
Services built with you in mind

Potential…….This is the foundational concept at the core of our work together. Reaching beyond what we know ourselves to be capable of and stretching to create new paths to self-awareness will increase positive interaction with those around us. Whether you are facing a major life transition, struggling with anxiety or depression, facing challenges of separation or divorce, you have power within you to navigate whatever is in front of you. 


I specialize in working with individuals seeking a new direction in their lives. The quest for change may be motivated by a feeling of stagnation, apathy or even crisis. Depression and Anxiety can be paralyzing, leaving one to feel hopeless, resulting in loss of productivity, a job, and relationships! Wherever you are in your life’s path, I believe in seizing the moment to take time for you! Introspection coupled with coaching, consultation and therapy will provide you with avenues to redirect your energy in a more positive way!  
Our lives are full of wonderful opportunities for us to experience joy, abundance and a sense of knowing that we are contributing positively to life and those around us. The journey inward to connect to our deeper purpose and belief in ourselves rewards us with peace and a more intense feeling of security. I work with clients to develop a stronger belief and trust in themselves, which brings a confidence that translates into action, bringing positive changes and achievement. Individuals harness a newfound ability to mobilize the power they have within to generate creativity which leads to excitement, motivation and a strong desire to share this with others.  Cognitive behavioral therapy helps clients to make connections between their feelings, thoughts and behaviors, creating insight that allows us to see new options for responding to life rather than reacting. Coaching in the areas of meditation, creative visualization and mindfulness can result in your relationships becoming more satisfying, higher achievement in your career, greater joy in your everyday activities, a higher sense of safety and security and an overall richness in your life.


Whether you are a new couple sorting out some newfound differences or partners with years of time spent together, you may find yourselves wanting and needing a safe place to work through the space that you are in. Couples struggle with basic communication, financial strain, parenting challenges, mental health and substance abuse issues, and sometimes more life altering experiences such as death of a loved one or infidelity. Human beings are hardwired to grow and adapt, but what happens when two people begin to move in different directions, want different things, develop views that are in opposition to that of their spouse? In couples counseling we work together as a team to develop healthy communication practices, allowing each individual to find a safe space to be heard, express and own their individual opinions, feelings and thoughts. Couples learn skills to regulate their emotions and observe boundaries, while still sharing in a way that allows for cognitive and emotional intimacy. Whether you are feeling hopeful or hopeless about your current relationship, addressing the issues brings about change, which can offer new possibilities. 


Families offer specific challenges as dynamics are constantly changing as people evolve and grow. Each person is busy with work, school, social lives and extra-curricular interests. Unfortunately, this leads to members of the family doing their own thing and becoming disconnected from the unit as a whole. How do we ensure everyone can individuate yet feel the cohesive closeness of family? We identify and share needs, work on communication skills and platforms, practice conflict resolution, set boundaries and plan time for one another. We create a feeling of safety and vulnerability when openly sharing feelings and thoughts with one another. The wonderful thing about family therapy is that there is a buffet of options to employ. There are therapeutic exercises, games and art which allow family therapy to be both fun and productive! I like to meet with each of the members individually during the intake phase of treatment to learn more about what is important to them and develop a therapeutic alliance. Individualizing a treatment plan for families means that we meet with those that need to be in the meeting. This may be parents only, parents and one child, children only etc. We create goals and discuss commitments and accountability. We measure progress and continue to evaluate for new issues that can constantly be arising in an active family system.

Life Transitions

We all face change and seasons in our lifetime. Some we look forward to, others feel thrust upon us. When we are younger, we pine for the days of independence and choice. Funny enough, when faced with numerous choices, we may feel overwhelmed and find ourselves overthinking our future, ruminating on “what is the best course” or jumping in head-first and regretting this later. As we age, we gain responsibility, sometimes in the form of caring for our own family, an elderly parent, a mortgage or a lifestyle that we have become accustom to. We may find ourselves stuck in a career, relationship or role in life that no longer fit for us. Embarking on the journey of examining where we are in our life, what we really want and what it might take to get there can be frightening, exhilarating, paralyzing or motivating. I offer clients a safe place to explore and share their thoughts and feelings, finding a path to try on different scenarios, create plans and offer support as they move through new passages.


Mindfulness is a term widely used today that refers to living in the present. This does not mean that we disregard the past or pretend not to concern ourselves with the future. It is a technique used to help us experience life in a deeper and more enriching way. How often have you moved through your day on “auto pilot”? We do this for a number of reasons; to distance ourselves from painful memories or anxiety about the things to come, exhaustion, boredom, frustration and even to guard against being “too happy” as we may believe the other shoe is about to drop. Incorporating mindfulness into our daily lives can be liberating! Practicing mindfulness can lead to greater emotional awareness, and increased capacity for problem solving, optimism, flexibility, resilience, self-efficacy and self-regulation.

Ready to make a life change? Contact me today